Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Second Baby Syndrome

I believe you can tell how much a couple loves their baby by the number of apparatuses designed to hold said infant in the loving parents' living room. For instance, in our living room we currently have a swing, bumbo chair, stand up toy thingy, lay down toy thingy and vibrating chair. This means I love my baby more than you love yours. When he's tired of standing in the stand up toy thingy, I move him to the swing. He naps there for 10 minutes and then I move him to the bumbo chair to play. He gets antsy sitting so I put him under the lay down toy thingy. Then he starts rolling all over and I'm not finished folding the laundry yet, so I contain him in the vibrating chair.

Well, this is awkward.....

Apparently, on paper, it looks as though I don't love the child at all! Huh.........

Are we the only parents that neglect the second baby?

Back up...neglect is a strong word. He's loved. He's fed. His diaper is almost always (leaking) perfectly clean. And, yes, I dress him in clean freaking clothes everyday! Straight up doting mother here.

See! He's held all the time (to take pictures). But I remember holding Grayson nonstop from the day he came home until, well, now. He was always cuddled and held until it was bedtime. And then we would put him in his bed and he would drift off to the sounds......no, wait, that's never happened. He's always slept with us and under my back. But not my Gideon. My poor, neglected second child spends the evening laughing at his parents from across the room in his swing and then is put in his bassinet to face the night alone.

Is this normal? I love him just as much as Grayson. In fact, most days I like him way more than Grayson. That ain't a joke. He's so much nicer and sweeter and his smile lights up a room. But will he look back and think we didn't love him? Will he suffer from anxiety or rage because his mommy didn't coddle him? Will he kill me in my sleep Menendez brothers style because we made him hold his own bottle at 5 months old?

Maybe he'll just be really successful and independent and I can take all the credit for that. 

 Okay, okay I know I'm exaggerating (honey). We do hold and cuddle the little fatty but not near as much as we should. He's going to grow up and skip off to school in a couple years and I'm gonna be left wondering what the hell happened to my little baby boy. He's our last little bundle of joy (as long as the vasectomy holds, fingers crossed) and we should be cherishing every minute instead of letting life, or his demanding big brother, get in the way. God knows he already has enough to handle with Grayson's big ass head coming at him every five minutes. The sweet boy is gonna get some extra cuddles from mommy tonight.


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