Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Seasonal Depression

I'm having an off day in the mother land today. Instead of feeling guilty, I figured I'd write about it. So if you feel like being being a judging Judy, go away. Please.

This morning I accidentally dressed Gideon in newborn pants and a 12-month onesie. I've yet to change either due to lack of desire. I have been operating his swing with my left foot this afternoon because the batteries are dead. As I'm sure you've guessed, I am also lacking the needed energy to locate the screwdriver and batteries needed to complete the task of changing said batteries.

Grayson had granola dumped on the end table for breakfast. Later this morning, we colored a picture for Daddy, and when he wouldn't give me the purple crayon, I put them all up out of his reach. That'll learn 'em. He then dumped the rest of my water on the floor. That'll learn me.

There has been a faint aura of poo in the air today, but it cannot be specifically linked with either child. Normally each offspring would immediately be bathed because exceptional hygiene is high on the to-do list around here. Today, though, I've just decided to chalk it up to gas. All-day, all-encompassing, constant gas. Harmless.

I would give my right arm for them to take a nap. Hell I'd probably even sacrifice THEIR right arms if they'd pass out for just one blissful hour. I've let Grayson watch Cars three times in a row and I let Gideon skip tummy time. I've spent more hours on Pinterest today than all the other days of my life combined. Grayson had four Go-gurts for lunch and a can of Sprite Zero. I couldn't muster up the will to battle him. BIG SURPRISE...he spilled the pop down himself so he currently has NO shirt on. I'm sorta okay with that decision. No cute pictures have been taken today anyway. Probably cause that would involve too much work. We've had plenty of smiles and laughs here today (mostly at Mater), but momma's just not feelin it. I'm blaming it on the dreary ass weather.

Grayson threw a block at Gideon and, later, Gideon retaliated by kicking Grayson square in the nose. I laughed at both. Today I have not cleaned or disciplined. I have only changed diapers when I could no longer bear the guilt (I can hear you judging). The only thing I have accomplished today is planning a date with my husband for Saturday. I may not be nominated for Mother of the Year, but I'm a shoe in for Wife of the Year. So enjoy your accomplished Tuesday (or is it Wednesday?). And know that whatever the hell you did today, it's surely better than the shit show around here.


  1. You will never EVER EVER hear me judging you!

    You are a mom. And gosh dammit if we don't try our hardest. But being a Mom is hands down THE HARDEST job in the world. And we deserve to take a day off - even though our children don't.

    Hang in there mama. It sucks. But it'll get better ... in about 17 more years ;)

  2. I just saw this Amanda!! It is so freakin hard....especially on the days your kids barely live through it :) And thanks for the positive thought....17 years is a long frickin time.....
