Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Raising Kids

I am constantly wondering if I'm raising good kids. Will they be polite? Considerate? Loving? Funny? Kind? Athletic? Smart? I don't discipline all that much. If Grayson throws a fit, I send him to his room and let him out 45 seconds later. If he slams his head on the floor in anger, I hug him and make sure he's okay. I guess he really hasn't done anything all that bad yet so I'm not sure how I will handle that. I want my boys to own their mistakes. I want them to feel remorse and understand what they did wrong so they don't do it again. I just want them to be the kind of people you WANT to be around. I want them to be teenagers that other parents wish they had. Now, this might be tricky with my attitude and my husband's inability to stop running his mouth. But I've been fortunate enough to have seen it done right.

I know two kids who ARE the kind of teenagers you want to be around. You know the type. Well, you probably don't cause they are very, very rare creatures. I won't name them cause I'm not related so it's not my right. But for many years I had the privilege of being a big part of their lives. I still get to see them occasionally and they've been on my mind a lot lately. They are polite, considerate, loving, funny, kind, athletic AND smart. And ya know what? They weren't raised anything special. They have a dad who, even through his many faults, loves them unconditionally and would give his life for them. They have caring grandparents who are loving and supportive. They have aunts who have always treated them as their own. And they have a mom who unselfishly guides them, disciplines them for 45 seconds and then hugs them to make sure they're okay. Maybe it's not all that hard after all.

See ya later. I've got some kids to hug.

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